Tonight we tried to get a group photo with the '09 Crew. However, Kicker, Sean and Colin left yesterday and of course, we had three people quit a week and a half ago. So, I guess it's a photo of who is left....
The quality isn't great on the photo since my copy was via email. But, I think it will give you an idea of who was working and living with me this summer.
Now, I'll attempt to give you a quick run-down on who's who....(starting at the left)
Jim - AKA "The Professor" - he's been here 3 years and takes care of the website and blogs.
Jim - AKA "Slice" - He's old as dirt and has been here since the beginning of time. But he can sing like Johnny Cash and is an great old guy!
John - AKA "Ax Man" - From Oregon, it's his 2nd year. He's dating Linda (who is standing in front of him.)
Linda - A Ketchikan native and a good friend of mine. She runs the housekeeping dept, and in her spare time helps bartend, serve and drinks Captain Morgan!
Dan - AKA "Slammer" - He's been here for 16 years and is like a big kid!
Joel - Minnesota resident who just graduated college. He's a dockhand.
Kenny - 19 year old who is going to start his Sophomore year this year in WA. Kenny works the kitchen, housekeeping and dock. No job is to shitty for Kenny!
David - AKA Batman - this Floiridian is my favorite fishing partner!
PJ - Minnesota boy who just graduated from college. He's holding Saylor, Kevin's youngest daughter. PJ is the dishwasher and comic relief!
Dewey - Hum.... you know about him already!
Art - AKA "Shaker" - Kevin's oldest son; lives with Dewey and is in charge of all maintenance.
Kevin - AKA "Blackfly" - The boss!
In front....
Josy - Kitchen prep/baker/server. She's off to Colorado for college this fall.
Nicky - Kevin's oldest daughter; head chef; lives in Hawaii in the winter!
Sean - AKA "Shamrock" and his new wife Ashton who is expecting their first baby! These two got married up here last month. They are from Florida.
In four short months we've all kind of became a family, learning each other's quarks, annoyances, and laughs. In trying to organize this photo, I realize we are just as dysfunctional too! Some people I'm sure I'll see again next year, and others, I will know for only the past four months, but each one brought something to the whole, and taught us something about life and ourselves. I'll always remember and be thankful for the parts they played in this chapter of my journey.