Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July at Yes Bay Lodge


Thanks to Yes Bay's favorite bartender, Ryan, A.K.A. Flannigan, it's taken me a few days to recover from the 4th (that's my excuse for not posting sooner - LOL!)
Yes, cheers to you Ryan - for the best mixed drinks in SE Alaska.
Okay, now that we are done with my fantasy, I'll tell you about reality (which was entirely too boring.) We had the typical weather - cold and rain. Thankfully it cleared off around 3 or so, and stayed that way, so we could have the fireworks. I worked ALL day long, and a few extra hours that night to keep the office open until 10:30 pm, when fireworks started. I helped with housekeeping, in the kitchen, and in the office.
We had a full lodge that night, and everyone but one couple had to leave the following day, so I was running around all evening with checkout and misc. guest needs. (I've never been so glad to have the 4th over in my life!)
After dark, Art, Dewey and Johnson set off about $600.00 in fireworks to entertain all of us. "Flannigan" poured me one lone glass of wine, which I drank on the dock watching the fireworks, then I went straight to bed. (Must be getting old)
Guess I should run - new guests coming in and lots to do!
Talk to you soon - Sharon

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